When June 17, 2019 at 9:30am 7 hrs
Where *** May change if numbers are large enough****Council Chamber at the offices of Guelph Eramosa Township 8348 Wellington Road 124, Guelph-Eramosa Township, ON N0B, Canada
Contact Arlene Slocombe

On Monday June 17th, come hear the WWW participant statement in defence of the Concerned Resident Coalition's (CRC) hard work to Stop the proposed Hidden Quarry. Our statement will reveal how James Dick Constriction Ltd, who want to open the Hidden Quarry are the same company who were managing and operating at the DoLime Quarry, owned by River Valley Developments. A breech in the aquitard (a protective rock layer over the aquifer) was discovered from the blasting at Dolime, leaving a potential crisis for the health of groundwater.

We can not let this happen again!

We know a strong attendance by concerned residents can impress the LPAT representative with the seriousness of the case and with the attentiveness of the public.

Let's show them we are watching.

I (Arlene Slocombe) will be delivering the statement and would sure appreciate having audience members to support me.

If our numbers are large enough, we may need to move the June 17th session to a larger venue, so please respond by Wednesday June 12th.

For our waters,




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