Wellington Water Watchers
Friend -- 

We have some very important events coming up we want to share with you: our 2015 Annual General Meeting, the fast-approaching deadline to submit comments to the Environment Bill of Rights (EBR) about Nestlé's proposal to purchase the Middlebrook well in Elora, and two upcoming events. 

Wellington Water Watchers Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Why Engagement Organizing is the way-to-go to Safeguard our Source Water

Tuesday November 17, 2015, 7:00 pm
Red Papaya, Guelph
Guest Speaker: Lindsay Telfer, Freshwater Alliance
Whether you are an existing member, a volunteer or a concerned citizen of our watershed we welcome you to this year’s Annual General Meeting. Enjoy refreshments, hear an update about our organization and have an opportunity to have your voice heard on matters moving forward.

You can also renew your membership online. It's easy and only $10. This gives you voting rights at our AGM and enables us to continue making a positive difference in our community. Click here to become a member

Join our Board

The Wellington Water Watchers is searching for interested volunteers to fill vacancies on our Board for a three (3) year term. We are currently seeking applicants for one (1) position of Member-at-large.

If you feel a calling to join our team please read the member-at-large document above, and let us know by sending an email or inquiries to [email protected].

November 15 Deadline to Submit Technical Comments for Elora's Middlebrook Well

Wellington Water Watchers has long acknowledged that Ontario is fortunate to have the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) process, however, we are conflicted in encouraging responses because of the flaws that exist in its design especially in the case of this specific pump test. Comments that will be allowed are of a limited scope.

Right now there is an open comment period where citizens are able to post a response to Nestle's request for a pump test at the former Middlebrook well. Click here to learn more about the Middlebrook well. Only responses of a technical nature are considered through this process, and most citizens don't have access to this expertise. We invite anyone that does have technical expertise to join our team in preparing our technical submissions prior to the close of the comment period on November 15, 2015. If you are able to help, please be in touch by emailing us at [email protected]

For all other concerned supporters, we are hesitant to 'waste your time' by encouraging you to respond if your concern is not specifically technical in nature. 

However, it would still be useful to make a comment saying: "I am concerned about this pump test and its implications but do not possess the technical skills and knowledge to produce a high quality submission to the EBR.  I therefore support the submission being made by Saveourwater and Wellington Water Watchers."

To do so, please follow the instructions below. 

To make a comment go to: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeId=MTI1Nzk0&statusId=MTg5NDk3&language=en
In the right hand column, see a "Contact" section. 

One can submit a comment by mail to:
West Central Region
Permit To Take Water Evaluator
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Operations Division
West Central Regional Office
119 King Street West 
Floor 12
Hamilton Ontario
L8P 4Y7 
Phone: (905) 521-7833 
Fax: (905) 521-7820 
Toll Free Phone: (800) 668-4557 

Or a comment can be submitted online, and be sure to click save in the lower right corner: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/searchComment.do?actionType=add&noticeId=MTI1Nzk0&statusId=MTg5NDk3&noticeHeaderIdString=MTI1Nzk0

Upcoming Event: An Open Discussion About Citizens Rights Under the Environmental Bill of Rights


National Farmers Union - November 11, 2015
Wellington Water Watchers' Chair, Mike Nagy, will be speaking to the National Farmers Union at Alma Bible Church, November 11th at 7pm, along with Libby Carlaw and Donna McCaw of SaveOurWater.ca. This event has been organized in order to discuss threats to water by commodification, commercialization and trade deals. 


The Wellington Water Watchers’ Board of Directors

P.S. Do you have time to volunteer? We'd love to put your talents and passion to work for protecting our waters. Click here to join our growing team of volunteers.

Wellington Water Watchers · Canada
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