Become a Member
Join the growing movement of people working to protect, conserve and restore drinking water in Wellington County. Click below to learn more about how you can help our vital work by joining the Wellington Water Watchers as a member:
Volunteer with WWW
Wellington Water Watchers is primarily a volunteer based organization. We have many meaningful volunteer opportunities that offer the opportunity to get together with amazing people working towards protecting our precious water. Click below to learn about our current volunteer opportunities:
Blue Ribbon
Water for Life, Not Profit! Tie a blue ribbon on your tree to show you support our efforts to Save Our Water and say NO to Nestlé! Register here and we will bring you one, or you can get a blue ribbon at the following locations (suggested donation of $5):
The Guelph Farmer’s Market, Saturday 7-12.
10 Carden, Guelph, front desk, Monday-Friday 9-5
The Fountainhead, Fergus
Santé in Elora
Ashanti in Elora
Awareness Yoga Studio in Elora
Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph
and a growing list of business who wish to support this campaign (please contact us if you would be willing to help as a distribution site – [email protected])
Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to tie one on!
Support our efforts to steward and protect water resources in Guelph and Wellington County by donating. We offer one-time donations and the ability to set-up monthly donations. We wouldn’t be able to do the work that we do without your on-going support and dedication to the organization.
Come to an Event
Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming events. We showcase local events that celebrate our water, such as the 2Rivers Festival and the Speed River Cleanup. We also highlight events in the area that have made a conscious choice to go bottled water free and support our tap water. You can help to restore and maintain your local water system by joining local river clean up teams or by planting trees in your watershed area. You can also promote watershed nature walks in your area and visit OPIRG.
How you can make a difference!
Avoid or Reduce Plastic Disposable Water Bottles
Instead use a reusable, stainless steel one. The creation, consumption and disposal of plastic bottles produces large quantities of solid waste, contributes to air pollution, greenhouse gases, and road wear through shipping.
Engage the Government
Write your local city councillors, MP’s, and MPP’s to encourage them to push for more sustainable development initiatives and policies that allow for the protection of aquifer recharge areas, wetlands, and water sources. For instance, ask them to cut down on salt applications on roadways, which are often excessive and can be replaced by proactive liquid treatments.
Take Action in Your Home
Try to install water conservation devises in you home, including low flow toilets, showerheads and taps. If this is not possible, simply limit your water use by taking shorter showers, limiting the use of water intensive appliances like dishwashers and washing machines, and always make sure taps and faucets are properly shut off. There are many websites that have excellent tips on water conservation for individual households such as: Water Use it Wisely
Pick up After Your Pets
The waste left behind by your pets during walks, even in natural areas, can enter the aquifer and contribute to poor water quality. Picking up after your pets is a great way to contribute to the conservation of our water resources.
Take Care of Your Car
Maintaining your vehicle and ensuring that there are no fluid leaks is vital to good water stewardship. Leaks find their way into streams and rivers through run off and via the sewer system and poison our water reserves. Having your car serviced regularly helps to minimize the damage to our aquifer caused by automobiles and will keep your car running smoothly and save you money in the long run. Washing your car less is another way to protect our local water reserves. Cutting back on your car washes will save more of our water for other uses and helps control chemical runoff into our sewer system. Do not wash your car at home. Car washes are a more environmentally friendly alternative because they have grease traps, which prevent leakages from entering the local water system and they recycle much of the water they use.
Use Your Water Softener Less
Excessive cycling of home water softeners is causing major ecological damage through increased salination of our rivers. If you can, make the switch to Potassium Chloride softeners, which are much less damaging to the river systems.
Never Dump Solvents Down the Drain
These chemicals kill fish and other aquatic species and are a major threat to our water systems. Take these products to hazardous waste facilities for proper disposal.